Neruo-Balanced Facial Touch Care ニューロバランスフェイシャルケア実技習得コース
¥165,000 税込
商品コード: ORGFA
通常価格: ¥165,000 税込
開催日 |
2025年Group1東京校 全7回(6月開講スタート) |
授業時間 |
10:00-17:00 |
受講料 |
165,000円(税込) |
会場 |
ARTQインスティチュート東京校(表参道徒歩5分) *大阪校会場は決定後にご連絡させていただきます。 |
講師 |
アネルズあづさ |
受講対象者 |
学びたいと意欲のある方は、どなたでも受講いただけます。 |
催行人数 |
4名から |
コースについて |
皮膚学やタッチケア、また基材の活用方法と合わせて、ARTQ ORGANICSオーガニック認証スキンケア商品を活用して、他では学べないオーガニック素材だからこそできるポイントメイク落とし、全体のメイク落とし、ダブルクレンジング、マッサージケア、スペシャルハーブパウダーパック、仕上げまで、他にはない独自のケアとして進めています。
Neuro-Balanced Facial Touch Care
In this course, students will understand and learn how to care for clients not only focusing on “facial care” but also as an integrated approach to clients as one of autonomic balance care for the body and mind as a whole.
Utilizing ARTQ ORGANICS certified organic skin care products, along with dermatology and touch care, as well as how to utilize base materials, point makeup removal, overall makeup removal, double cleansing, and massage care that can only be done with organic materials that cannot be learned anywhere else, Special herbal powder packs and finishing touches are also available as unique care that cannot be found anywhere else.
Since organic products require different utilization techniques than regular cosmetics, we aim to provide customized care that suits each individual along with their characteristics. You will learn how to use the care and products to brighten your face one step brighter with high moisturizing that even those with sensitive skin can receive with ease.
This course is recommended for those who want to learn facial care techniques in preparation for the introduction of organic menus and balanced care.